Improving Perceptions of the Marine Environment by Hands-on Environmental Education: The Case of Hannan City, Osaka, Japan
Kana Kuroda 1 *
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1 Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences, JAPAN* Corresponding Author


Coastal and marine environments provide ecosystem services related to human well-being. However, the link between these ecosystem services and lifestyle of nearby populations is rarely recognized. This study proposes environmental events involving a series of hands-on activities, stimulating families’ awareness of both the local foods (rice, fish, and seaweed) and marine environment and linking them to the coastal environment. The present study quantitatively evaluated the changes in adults’ perceptions of Osaka Bay and attitudes on rice and fish consumption through a year-long program. We found that continuous participation (increased visit to the coastal area) effectively changed the participants’ perceptions of Osaka Bay and increased opportunities for eating local foods at home. In addition, the living experiences and realistic experiences increased the participants’ familiarity with Osaka Bay. These results suggest that the proposed program is a powerful tool that can assist marine and conservation education outside school.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2021, Article No: em0156

Publication date: 15 Apr 2021

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