The concept of eco-tourism in protected areas namely national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, and community reserves and their implications for nature conservation are of global significance. This note indicates about the opportunities of eco-tourism in Askot Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS), Uttarakhand. It’s potential has not been harnessed and it remains neglected in terms of management inputs. Eco-tourism in Askot WLS shall contribute to bio-diversity conservation, creation of environmental awareness, and controlling the migration of locals for jobs/livelihood. It can generate employment and income of the local people and in turn will boost the socio-economic development of the area. Need of the hour is to connect with the needs of people and resources available that will provide them with better opportunities of employment.
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Article Type: Technical Note
EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2023, Article No: em0239
Publication date: 30 Oct 2023
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