Pyrolysis of butyl rubber tube waste was performed under an inert nitrogen gas environment for temperature ranging between 25 and 1,000 °C, by varying the heating rates (5, 10, 20, 35, and 55 °C min−1). Five different iso-conversional approaches, namely, Differential Friedman, Ozawa-Flynn-Wall, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunuse, Distributed activation, and Starink, were employed to investigate the kinetics and thermodynamic parameters. The mean activation energy (Eα), and pre-exponential factor (ko) varied between 222.67 and 244.73 kJ mol-1 and 6.82×1021 and 2.73×1024 s-1 respectively, for all iso-conversional approaches. From the kinetic investigation, a strong correlation co-efficient (R2>0.97) was ascertained in the conversion range of up to α=0.8 for all the iso-conversational approaches. By thermodynamic analysis, the mean values of change in enthalpy and change in Gibbs free energy were 217.06-239.13 kJ mol-1 and 185.12-218.11, kJ mol-1, respectively. From the master plot analysis, diffusion model (D3), and several reaction order models (F1, F2, F3, and F5) were predicted throughout the conversion (0.1 to 0.8) limit at 20 °C min-1 for the pyrolysis of BRT.
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Article Type: Research Article
EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2023, Article No: em0215
Publication date: 01 Apr 2023
Online publication date: 26 Jan 2023
Article Views: 1335
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