Identification of Skills Needed for Central Areas of Green and Low-Carbon Economy, for the Needs of Labor Market, in Finland
Tove Holm 1 2 * , Pauli Vennervirta 1, Tapani Pöykkö 3, Eeva Hämeenoja 1, Nina Teirasvuo 1
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1 Sykli Environmental School of Finland, FINLAND2 University of Gävle, SWEDEN3 Häme University of Applied Sciences, FINLAND* Corresponding Author


EU has set sustainable growth as a goal for 2020, by which a transition to a more resource efficient greener and competitive economy should be achieved. This requires new skills in business life. We have studied how vocational education and training and higher education may serve as a promoter of a green and low-carbon economy in Finland. Based on results from interviews of companies three main areas were chosen. These areas were decentralized renewable energy production, use of organic by-products and promotion of energy efficiency in properties. Education in vocational education and training and universities of applied sciences, for the selected areas, was mapped in 2014-15. The results were presented on workshops, where knowledge supply chains for a green economy on the selected areas were developed. If was found that cooperation between different fields and levels of education is important, as the new skills often emerge at the interfaces.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2017, Article No: 5

Publication date: 17 Jan 2017

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