Comparing Virtual Learning, Classical Classroom Learning and Blended Learning
Javed Iqbal Suleri 1 * , Anna Javed Suleri 2
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1 NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, NETHERLANDS2 Erasmus MC, NETHERLANDS* Corresponding Author


This reading aims to compare the role of Virtual Learning (VL), Classical Classroom Learning (CCL) and Blended Learning (VL&CCL) in higher education. The literature review is presented in themes – Virtual Learning, Classical Classroom Learning and Blended learning. A quantitative method is applied in this study; data was obtained from 100 students from Erasmus University of Rotterdam by using an online questionnaire and convenient sampling. Questions were developed by the author and internal consistency and reliability were measured by Cronbach. The main findings illustrate that there was a significant relationship between gender and CCL, though, female respondents have more inclination towards CCL than their counterpart. Furthermore, VL has a significant relationship with CCL and Blended Learning. Thus, the intent of the learners to use blended learning in the future. Hence, this reading recommends educational institutions and educators to empower themselves with the use of technology, design their teaching methods as well as curriculum in such a way that the aim of that education is effective, efficient, convenient and approachable for all the learners at campuses as well as from distance.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019, Article No: em0072

Publication date: 06 Feb 2019

Online publication date: 14 Dec 2018

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