Effect of Injection Parameters: Injection Timing and Injection Pressure on the Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of CRDI Diesel Engine Operate with Palm Oil Methyl Ester (POME)
Mahantesh M. Shivashimpi 1, Nagaraj R. Banapurmath 2 * , S. A. Alur 1
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1 HIT, Nidasoshi, INDIA2 KLE Technological University, B.V.B, College of Engineering and Technology, Hubballi, Vidyanagar, INDIA* Corresponding Author


This experimental study mainly focused on the investigation of CRDI diesel engine powered with palm oil methyl ester (POME) biodiesel and diesel fuels. The Toroidal Re-entrant combustion chamber shape (TRCC) and 6 holes CRDI injector were selected for experiment. The current research engine operated with constant CR 17.5 and speed 1500 rpm. In the first phase of work, the injection timing (IT) varied from -25 °BTDC to 5 °ATDC with interval of 5 degree during the experiments. The injection time-10 °BTDC has been optimized for higher engine efficiency. In the second phase of work, the injection opening pressure (IOP) has been varied form 600 bar to 1000 bar with increment of 100 bar interval during the experiments. The IOP of 900 bar has been optimized with constant fuel IT -10 °BTDC. Finally, the end results of experiments were reported that combined effects of IT (-10 °BTDC) and IOP (900 bar) enhanced the engine output in terms of brake thermal efficiency (BTE), also minimizing the pollutants using TRCC shape and 6-hole CRDI injector for CRDI diesel engine at 80% load.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2019, Article No: em0091


Publication date: 21 Mar 2019

Online publication date: 15 Dec 2018

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