COVID-19 and 20 Resolutions for Bangladesh
Abdul Kader Mohiuddin 1 *
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1 Dr. M. Nasirullah Memorial Trust, BANGLADESH* Corresponding Author


COVID-19 has affected 213 countries around the world, killing more than 484,000 and infecting more than 9.5 million by June 25, 2020 ( Bangladesh, a South Asian low-middle-income economy, has experienced a demographic and epidemiological transition with rapid urbanization and a gradual increase in life expectancy. It is the seventh most populous country in the world and population of the country is expected to be nearly double by 2050. The increasing burden of communicable diseases in Bangladesh can be attributable to rapid urbanization and nearly 50% of all slum dwellers of the country live in Dhaka division. In 2017, National Rapid Response Team of IEDCR investigated 26 incidents of disease outbreak. The joint survey of the Power and Participation Research Centre and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development reveals that per capita daily income of urban slum and rural poor drops by 80% due to present countrywide shutdown enforced by the government to halt the spread of COVID-19. 40%-50% of these population took loans to meet the daily expenses. However, the country has just 127,000 hospital beds, 91,000 of them in government-run hospitals. Researchers say, the country’s economy is losing BDT 33 billion every day from its service and agriculture sectors during the nationwide shutdown.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J SUSTAIN DEV RES, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, Article No: em0139

Publication date: 30 Jul 2020

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